Thursday, November 1, 2012

Crystal's (TheLovelyIfy) Giveaway!

The awesome Crystal of TheLovelyIfy is hosting her very first giveaway! The prizes are not only practical, but super cute as well. I mean, a heart-shaped mirror with an uber kawaii bunny on the front? Who wouldn't love that? Not to mention items from The Face Shop. I mean c'mon, everyone loves The Face Shop.

I've been a fan of hers for a very long time and she's actually the person that got me into the gyaru style. Please support her on her youtube channelblogspottumblr, and instagram (thelovelyify). She's great and I know someone else is bound to love her as much as I do.

Don't forget to enter her giveaway on her blog!! Here's the link to her giveaway post.

- Soleia

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Future Talk + Format Change

Speaking and thinking about my future scares the hell out of me. I, like most my age, have barely an idea as to what I want to do with my life. I mean, I have a few ideas but they're so different that I don't really have the option of combining them somehow. Biology and Political Science don't really go well together; you know?

For me, not knowing what I might want to do plays a huge part in my search for the right university. Not knowing what I may want to do is the exact reason I have nary a clue as to where I want to study. Ahh well, hopefully I have an epiphany sometime soon an this all falls into place. I'm trying not to worry about it, but worrying is just in my nature. I'm hoping that figures itself out as well, haha; only time will tell.

Now on to that new format I barely mentioned. I've decided that writing whenever I feel like writing isn't working out, because I'll end up going 2 weeks without a single post. With that said, I've decided on posting every Saturday definitely, but if something comes up that I'm itching to write about, then there will just be more than one post that week. :D The more the merrier, right?

Well that's all I really wanted to say at the moment. I'll keep you posted on my senior year of high school journey, which is bound to be an interesting one.

See you next Saturday ^^,


Saturday, June 30, 2012

My first two crochet projects!

Remember that scarf I started a whole ago? Well, I finished it! It is absolutely gigantic, and that's exactly how i was hoping for it to turn out. It took about 2.75 skeins of Red Heart Super Saver worsted weight yarn (Color: Aran).
Here's a picture :]

Do you also remember that carrot colored yarn I had? Well, I made a beret out of it and it's super cute, if I may say so myself. It took a few hours to make, so I'll definitely be making more once I get more yarn.
Here's a picture of the beret, modeled by one of my beautiful cats, Angelica:

Isn't she adorable? Haha, I would show you guys my other cat, Evie, but she's camera shy. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the scarf is about 78 inches in length and 9.5 inches wide. Huge, right? I would've made it wider, but the may have been a bit excessive.

I can wait to start something new and a bit more challenging, and I'll be sure to update with whatever I'm making next.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

I've been attempting to be positive lately

And it’s working. I don’t wake up hating myself anymore. I look forward to the day ahead. I smile at myself in the mirror instead of frown, even if I have to fake it sometimes.

It’s so nice. Honestly. I’m really happy that I’m not in that horrible dark whole anymore. I genuinely am feeling close to happy, and I don’t want to give that up. I’m starting to feel like life is worth it; that I am worth it.

Some days are still a struggle since I have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for a very long time. Something will happen and I'll go spiraling back down again, but for the most I can bring myself out of that now. I can honestly say things have gotten a bit better. It's amazing being able to say that because there was and sometimes still are times where I thought that life would only get better once I die. I think I can safely say that those times beginning to be behind me.

Now I didn't get here on my own. I wish I could say that, but I would be lying, haha. I owe a lot of successes to my school's guidance counselor. He's put up with me and helped me for two years. Whenever I had a problem I could tell him and he'd help me through it. He was very supportive, understanding, and genuinely cared. I don't know where's I'd be if it wasn't for him, and I owe him for that.

That little appreciation paragraph brings me to my next point:

If. You are depressed, dealing with suicidal thoughts or self-harm; please tell someone. A trusted adult, the suicide hotline, your best friend, anyone. . If you do I promise you won't regret it in the end. I won't lie, as I thought he had betrayed my trust by telling my mother some of the things I had told him but I probably wouldn't be here if he hadn't. People want the best for you and you should know that you deserve the best for yourself.

I know I may sound hypocritical because I'm not completely better myself, but I'm getting there because I took the necessary steps to help me get better. I have lots of regrets about things I've done throughout this time, but of all of the things I do regret, making my struggles known to others isn't one of them.

Take care. You are loved.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Today is the first Monday of summer

And how have I spent it thus far? Well, I did some chores. Then, I exercised! That felt so good, well afterwards I felt good. During, not so much, but I'll get back to that later on. I then ate breakfast and lunch. And took a well-needed nap. Why I was so tired, I have no idea, but I was going to collapse if I didn't lay down. Then I cleaned my room and it's all clean and uncluttered. I vow to keep it like this forever, or at least make my best effort to do so.

Okay, back to the exercise! I've decided that exercising in the morning is my best bet. Why? Because I get lazy throughout the day. After maybe 12 o'clock noon, I never feel like exercising and always end up saying "tomorrow," and that tomorrow finally comes weeks or months later. T_T Don't judge me, everyone slips up. Anyway, since I'm tired of letting myself get of schedule some easily, I have created two new exercise schedules; one for the summer, and another for the academic year.

For the summer:
Quite simply I will wake up at 7-7:30am and exercise between 8am-9am for at least 30 minutes, and stretch for 15 minutes. On the weekends, I'm not too sure what I'll do. If I'm busy or am away from home, I'll squeeze in whatever I can.

For the academic year:
I'll wake up at 5am and exercise between 5am-6am for at least 30 minutes and stretch for 15 minutes afterwards, then continue with my normal morning routine for school. Again, I'll do whatever I can on weekends. >_<

Sounds good, right? It does to me, haha.
While on my weight loss journey, I hope this helps me as much as I think it will, because my eating has already improved so much and there isn't much work to be done on that anymore.

I'm excited for exercise all over again. I forgot how good it made me feel, and endorphins in the morning are pretty much the best way to start your day. I know I'll need it in the weeks and months coming.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last day of school!

I've officially completed the 11th grade. I'm quite happy to be this close to finishing high school. Can I say I'm a senior? Or must I wait until September when school starts again? Haha, either way, there's much to do now that I'm almost at the end.

Senior year comes with so many events it's ridiculous. There's the senior project, applying to universities and for scholarships, senior trips and prom, and probably more that I'm forgetting. Plus, after all that's over I'll have to get ready for the real world, which dares me to death. Getting through senior year successfully will show me a lot about myself and I really hope I can succeed. My goal is to completely own this upcoming year, and it starts now.

My first step to succeeding is starting my senior project. In the next few weeks I'm going to work everyone I can in order to come up with a topic that I want to write about, and find a site at which I can complete my service learning hours that'll help me with my project. This is basically the hardest part, but I want to have this done by the end of July so I can start my service learning hours.

But for now I'll just start to enjoy my summer. My summer goal is to find a job, but if not, oh well. I'll study for the SATs again, if my newest scores which I have yet to learn aren't good enough, and I'll exercise pretty much everyday. All in all, I plan on making this a very productive summer. I'm already excited for what's to come. :)


Thursday, June 7, 2012

My new hobby

Crocheting is the best thing to happen to me. It's so much fun, it keeps me occupied (and sane), and reaps brilliant results. My first project is a scarf. That's cliche, I know, but it's simple enough to get me started.

As you can see from the photo. It's a cream color. It's a ribbed pattern that's just so lovely. I'm making it into a circle scarf, so it'll be very long and very wide, so it'll be massively huge when I wrap it around my neck.

I'm starting all my fall/winter projects now, so they'll be done and ready to wear by the time summer's over. I bought this beautiful carrot-colored yam today, as pictured, but I don't know what to make with it. Hopefully something will come to me, since I can't let this stunning color go to waste.

Here's the beginning of my scarf, an well as my carrot yarn:


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I registered to vote today!!

Being able to vote has been something I've been looking forward to since I was a little kid. There's just something about being able to have a say in how the country is run that has appealed to me. With that being said, having registered to vote today is a pretty great feeling.

I actually feel a new sense of importance that I'm very unaccustomed to. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it, though.


Friday, May 25, 2012

And the story begins

I'm not new to blogging, but I'm definitely no veteran. I have had other blogs on various platforms but I fail to be consistent. This will be different, though. I know it.

This blog won't be the same as my others were. I'm going to use this to help do something I've never done before: work to better myself. I've wasted too much time on things I'm not too sure will even matter later in life. From now on I'm going to spend my time turning myself into the me I've always wanted to be. I have many personal obstacles I'll need to overcome, but I'm starting to believe in myself. I have physical, and emotional/mental changes I'd like to make. I guess those will be revealed with time.

I'll be documenting about various things such as: my weight loss journey, my daily life, my thoughts, and just my overall quest for happiness and self-acceptance.

I hope that others out there might relate to me however they do and find inspiration to work for themselves well. (:
