And how have I spent it thus far? Well, I did some chores. Then, I exercised! That felt so good, well afterwards I felt good. During, not so much, but I'll get back to that later on. I then ate breakfast and lunch. And took a well-needed nap. Why I was so tired, I have no idea, but I was going to collapse if I didn't lay down. Then I cleaned my room and it's all clean and uncluttered. I vow to keep it like this forever, or at least make my best effort to do so.
Okay, back to the exercise! I've decided that exercising in the morning is my best bet. Why? Because I get lazy throughout the day. After maybe 12 o'clock noon, I never feel like exercising and always end up saying "tomorrow," and that tomorrow finally comes weeks or months later. T_T Don't judge me, everyone slips up. Anyway, since I'm tired of letting myself get of schedule some easily, I have created two new exercise schedules; one for the summer, and another for the academic year.
For the summer:
Quite simply I will wake up at 7-7:30am and exercise between 8am-9am for at least 30 minutes, and stretch for 15 minutes. On the weekends, I'm not too sure what I'll do. If I'm busy or am away from home, I'll squeeze in whatever I can.
For the academic year:
I'll wake up at 5am and exercise between 5am-6am for at least 30 minutes and stretch for 15 minutes afterwards, then continue with my normal morning routine for school. Again, I'll do whatever I can on weekends. >_<
Sounds good, right? It does to me, haha.
While on my weight loss journey, I hope this helps me as much as I think it will, because my eating has already improved so much and there isn't much work to be done on that anymore.
I'm excited for exercise all over again. I forgot how good it made me feel, and endorphins in the morning are pretty much the best way to start your day. I know I'll need it in the weeks and months coming.
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