Thursday, June 7, 2012

My new hobby

Crocheting is the best thing to happen to me. It's so much fun, it keeps me occupied (and sane), and reaps brilliant results. My first project is a scarf. That's cliche, I know, but it's simple enough to get me started.

As you can see from the photo. It's a cream color. It's a ribbed pattern that's just so lovely. I'm making it into a circle scarf, so it'll be very long and very wide, so it'll be massively huge when I wrap it around my neck.

I'm starting all my fall/winter projects now, so they'll be done and ready to wear by the time summer's over. I bought this beautiful carrot-colored yam today, as pictured, but I don't know what to make with it. Hopefully something will come to me, since I can't let this stunning color go to waste.

Here's the beginning of my scarf, an well as my carrot yarn:



  1. nice :D
    Show the pretty things u make :)

    1. I totally will. (: There will be plenty more creations along the way!
