Saturday, July 7, 2012

Future Talk + Format Change

Speaking and thinking about my future scares the hell out of me. I, like most my age, have barely an idea as to what I want to do with my life. I mean, I have a few ideas but they're so different that I don't really have the option of combining them somehow. Biology and Political Science don't really go well together; you know?

For me, not knowing what I might want to do plays a huge part in my search for the right university. Not knowing what I may want to do is the exact reason I have nary a clue as to where I want to study. Ahh well, hopefully I have an epiphany sometime soon an this all falls into place. I'm trying not to worry about it, but worrying is just in my nature. I'm hoping that figures itself out as well, haha; only time will tell.

Now on to that new format I barely mentioned. I've decided that writing whenever I feel like writing isn't working out, because I'll end up going 2 weeks without a single post. With that said, I've decided on posting every Saturday definitely, but if something comes up that I'm itching to write about, then there will just be more than one post that week. :D The more the merrier, right?

Well that's all I really wanted to say at the moment. I'll keep you posted on my senior year of high school journey, which is bound to be an interesting one.

See you next Saturday ^^,


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